Excel Academy Charter High School
East Boston, MA
Excel Academy’s charter was expanded to include grades 9-12, in addition to their three middle schools. To accommodate this expansion, Studio G developed a new 55,000 SF building on 1.8 acres in East Boston, to serve approximately 650 students in grades 9 to 12. The program includes a two-story classroom wing with science labs, a cafeteria, and a gymnasium. An outdoor courtyard at the rear connects to the East Boston Greenway.
The tight urban site is adjacent to the Bremen Street Park and the East Boston Public Library, as well as the elevated Mass Pike /Route 1A. Classrooms face Bremen Street and Day Square, while the gym, cafeteria and courtyard face the Greenway and the highway. Excel Academy’s high school opened for occupancy in July 2016, one month before its proposed occupancy date, and came in under budget. The project was built per c.149a/CMAR.
In 2018, Studio G completed a 5,200 SF Phase 2 classroom addition that seamlessly connects to the original two-story building.