Mountain View School
Easthampton, MA
Studio G, as Associate Architect for Elementary Design with Caolo & Bieniek Associates, has been involved in every phase of the 1,000 student PK-8 school, expanding responsibilities in DD/CD. In addition to designing the interior of the 663-student elementary school, Studio G has collaborated on designing a high-performance façade for the 177,000SF building, and interiors that differ in color, finishes, and character between elementary and middle schools yet are related, creating a comprehensive whole.
The Feasibility Study evaluated reno vs replacement, consolidation of 3 elementary schools, and consolidation of 3 elementary and the middle school on the middle school site. Studio G contributed site design concepts, diagrammed elementary learning clusters, and assisted in developing schematic design options. The consolidated PK8 won voters’ approval.
For Education Programming, Studio G, CBA and New Vista Design engaged district and city leadership, principals, teachers, parents and students in three visioning sessions to develop the district’s educational vision, goals and priorities aligned with the district’s education plan, and carry them through the design.
The building stretches into the pastoral landscape of tree canopy and wetlands, with views of Mt. Tom. The 3-story middle and 2-story elementary school share a central core of gymnatorium, cafeterias, nursing suite and adaptive PE, with separate entries and drop off areas. The Elementary School is organized into grade-level learning neighborhoods by floor and wing. Three wings are linked by a glassy ‘Elementary Street’ connecting the entry lobby and administration at one end to the 2-story cafeteria at the other. Two feature stairs connect 1st and 2nd floors with overlooks into lobby and cafeteria. The 2nd floor media center is wrapped by perforated metal screen depicting children playing to shade the south light.
To ensure multiple learning modalities, classrooms are designed for center-based learning with STEAM, literacy and ‘morning meeting’ zones; and flexible furnishings for individual and group work. Pairs of classrooms share a breakout space for team projects and special education pull outs. Each learning neighborhood has a flexible project space at the end of the hall. Specialists are dispersed throughout the school. The PK-K neighborhood has an Activity Room with platform, risers and a ‘cave’ for movement, music and other activities; and paired classrooms share lavatory and changing areas.
Cost effective and flexible, the MS band/chorus room has a 2-sided stage opening to the gymnatorium on one side and adaptive PE on the other to maximize opportunities for varied performances and active learning for middle and elementary students.
An engaged learning landscape is created by the courtyards between wings. Studio G and the landscape architect collaborated closely to offer a range of outdoor learning and recreation activities in the courtyards, and noisier performance and gross motor activities beyond.